Friday, August 17, 2007

Marks 41!!

On August 3rd Mark turned 41. It has been an exciting month for him so far with his first opportunity to preach at Immanuel Baptist Church where we fellowship and now with classes under way.

This is a link to a video of of us playing the chocolate game. His friends didn't seem to take long to get into the action and our children seem to be following his example. You may also be interested to know that Mark was the winner of a recent table tennis (ping pong for any Americans) competition and has quite a reputation at seminary for his skills.

1 comment:

Murray and Liz Benson said...

Happy Birthday Mark!! Wow - 41 - hard to believe. We visit your site evry now and then to catch up on the news. No doubt you are still greatly blessed being able to spend dedicated time in God's word - despite the workload.

Our love to you and the family.

Murray Benson [ ]