Thursday, October 04, 2007

Matthew Again

I could not resist posting this video of Matthew. For those of you who may be concerned we are doing OK financially and are feeding Matthew all his fruit and vegetables.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gordans,
I just wnat to thank yall fro letting me go with yall to teh pumkin thing with yall it was alot of fun. Hey mark i heard what you told my dad about me being more respectful. I just want to thank you for saying that complainment. I appreait. Sorry i don't realy know how to spell big words. But when i'm there in Decmeber 6 or something let's hang out. My dad in graduating then & I would liek to invite the famliy to my Dad's gradution. I jsut wanted to say your famliy is alot of fun & that i can't wait to hang out again some time. I Love yall. But i got to go. so i'll talk to yea later.bye. hope to here from yall soon. My e-mail si My cell number is 502-442-9129 anna-maire so you won't lose it !! bye :)