This is the view from the lodge window where we just spent the last couple of days. We are in Northern California spending several weeks with our good friends Ben and Chelsea Saunders who we lived with in Louisville for a year. Every second year they get together with extended family at this camp up in the mountains. It was an incredible time, in an incredibly beautiful place. We are very thankful to the extended Saunders family for allowing us to enjoy it with them.

Joel snowboarding.

The snow cat that we came in on. With so much snow you cannot drive all the way to the camp.

The cabins where we slept.

Matthew and Joel spent hours making tunnels in the snow.

This is us with the Saunders family. Ben and Chelsea with Noah and Eden and Ben's parents, Scott and Dena. They are such wonderfully hospitable people.

Rachel with Noah.

Noah and his cousin with Santa Clause (Uncle Mark).

The children acting out the Christmas Story.